WhitneyHouston.com is happy to announce that we will be offering Whitney Houston’s brand new single “I Look To You” as a free download to all fans and listeners. All you have to do is visit WhitneyHouston.com to find the free download offer. Enter in your email address, name, city, state and date of birth and you’ll be e-mailed Whitney’s brand new single. Simple as that!
This free download promotion is not just happening here in the US either!! If you’re visiting WhitneyHouston.com from abroad, you can also download the single by visiting one of your local sites listed below. Each territory has their own rules and guidelines regarding this free download (including caps & start/end dates), so please be sure you download the song from the actual country you reside in! Here are additional links to download “I Look To You” internationally:
* Germany: clipfish.de (JUST ADDED!)
* Italy: radiomontecarlo.net (JUST ADDED!)
* USA: whitneyhouston.com
* Sweden: whitney.se
* Austria: oe3.at
* Austria: krone.at
* Spain: los40.com